N. O, COMPOSITAE 1401 naka, Bahukantaka, Brahmajata, Damana, Damanaka, Damam. Dandi, Danta, Devashekhara, Gandhotkata. Guchhaphala, Jatila, Kshudra- dussparsha, Kshudrakantakari, Kulapatra, Kulapatraka, Madanaka* Muni, Mumpatra, Pandmaga, Patri, Pavitraka, Pundarika, Pushpa- chamara, Tapasapatn, Tapaswipatra, Tapodhana, Vanadamanaka—; Urdu: Afsantin—. 8. Artemisia draeuncnlus Linn. Sp. PL (1753) 849. A perennial, green, erect, hairless herb. Stems 30-60 cm. high., grooved and ribbed. Leaves 2.5-3.8 cm. long; basal ones quite entire or absent; stem-leaves sessile, linear or linear-oblong, sharp- pointed or toothed. Flower-heads almost round, 3 mm. diam., sessile or not, pale, shining, in panicled racemes, sometimes clustered in threes, horizontal or nodding. Flowers numerous. Bracts hair- less, broadly oblong, blunt, with broad membranous margins and a green disk. Distribution V. Himalaya, 14,000—16,000 fL—^Afghanistan, W. Asia, 5. and Central Russia. The aromatic leaves are credited with aperient, stomachic, stimulant, and febrifuge properties. Dutch: Dragon—; English: Little Dragon Mugwort, Tarragon—; French: Dragon, Dragonne, Estragon, Fargon, Herbe au dragon, Herbe dragonne—: German: Dragun, Kaisersalat—; Italian: Dragon- tea—; Portuguese: Estragao—; Roumanian: Tarhon—; Russian: Estragon—; Spanish: Dragoncillo, Estragon—. 9. Artemisia annna Linn, Sp. PL (1753) 847, Annual, glabrous. Stem high, furrowed, passing into an ample spreading branching compound panicle. Radical leaves long-petio- late, in outline triangular-ovate, bipinnatisect; primary segments petiolulate, secondary ones oblong with acute, dentate pinnatipartite lacinulae Primary rhachis without teeth. Floral leaves sessile* %pth linear setaceous teeth. „ Heads very small, globose, pedicellate, hanging. Outer leaves of involucre few, oblong-Knear, herbaceous; inner ones suhorbiculate, scarious. Distribution: Orient, Siberia*